Rosie & KT
“Your enthusiasm is completely infectious”
So, as if the first 12 hours of their Indian wedding wasn’t enough, the reception was to be held at the Natural History Museum in London.
I have so many fond memories of this place as a child, so to go back here with such an exciting party was off the scale, I cannot believe I was going back there as a Natural History Museum Wedding Photographer!
The venue was transformed by the excellent Wise Productions team, how they did it in less than 2 hours was unreal.
I’ll let the photos tell the story, needless to say is was one of the most visually spectacular wedding events I have witnessed. Below are a few favs this Natural History Museum Wedding.
Part 2 of Rosie & KT’s wedding starts off at The Wellesley Hotel in Knightsbridge, documenting the guys transforming from their traditional Sikh outfits into something more suitable for the evening event.
Big big thanks to the team who helped me capture Rosie and KT’s epic 20 hour wedding. Marius and Gabi you were incredible. Congratulations to Rosie and KT, you certainly know how to put on a wedding. See you soon x
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Rosie & KT
It’s hard to find words to describe the incredible setting. You have managed to capture its beauty, lighting, colours, the stunning couple and the amazing party. The smiles say it all. Well done!! Jas
Thank you Jas. Their wedding was spectacular. We so enjoyed ourselves.
Holy Moly! Incredible shots of what looks like an incredible wedding! Great work Jon!
Thanks Winston 🙂
Amazing images!
Congratulations Jon, Gabriela and Marius!
Thanks Marian, I had a great team helping me.
Spectacular photography!
Thanks so much Shyam
great stuff mate, you must have had an amazing time shooting there. What a place!
Thanks Voytech, yes it was amazing, one of the best venues I’ve shot in, incredible.
Absolutely breathtaking – very impressive indeed !
Thank you Atul !!
Holy moly now that’s a wedding!!!
Thanks bud 🙂
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